I’ve been trying to figure out how to effectively run a
module in a solo game, but hadn’t really been satisfied with anything I've tried. I stumbled upon
this post over at Lone Crusader, which inspired me to tackle the issue
from a different angle. Instead of using the various emulator tools to
replicate the GM, instead one would use them to replicate players. As any GM knows,
players are a uniformly chaotic and unreasonable lot, so using a series of
charts to determine their motivation and intended actions seemed to fit.
As a test run, I take out one of my favorite modules of all
time, Alien Hunger. I’ve run this for roughly four different groups, and I
still hold it up as one of the best modules Vampire ever produced.
With that, I create a number of PC’s, which in and of itself
is unusual for a Solo game. Not having any strong character ideas in mind, I use the U.N.E. to come up with the basics. In the module, each character begins as a mortal, but is
changed in the opening. But, they need to have some tie to each other, both to
make the group more cohesive, but also to damn one with the sins of the other.
As such, I decide that the characters are all students at the University of
Denver. They are acquainted due to shared membership in “Mystic Theater,” an
independent student run trope. The time is Fall, and the year is 1991—roughly when
the module was produced and otherwise for no real reason. Mechanics are based on the 1st Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade.
The PC’s are:
Daron Blair—a
wealthy and charismatic party boy. He’s the source drugs and other party
favors, but despite his “bad boy” ways, he is in many ways the most likeable
and friendly of all of them. He doesn’t much care for school, and loves a
rollicking good time. He is impetuous, but fundamentally decent. He joined
Mystic for fun, especially when they do the more shocking and edgy plays. He
has been turned into a Caitiff, and
has the vampiric powers of Auspex (Heightened Senses), Dominate (mind control),
and Potence (Supernatural Strength).
Trenton “Trent” McCarthy—an art major. He works construction during the summer, and picks up whatever jobs he can during the year. He’s an odd combination of pragmatic (he focuses on practical arts that can sell and is currently involved in home improvement) and mystical (he’s a Wiccan). He’s busy, and lonely, and joined as a way to make some friends at college. He doesn’t much care what kind of plays they do, since he’s always focused more on the set design (tough, as they have no budget), and is relegated to minor roles. He is a Toreador and has the vampiric powers of Auspex (Heightened Senses), Celerity (Supernatural Speed), and Presence (Emotion Control).
Maya Lopez—a
passionate sociology major, she is focused on changing the world, and believes
art is key to that. She likes Mystic when it produces plays that really
challenge the status quo, though she’s also extremely energized and is involved
in a half dozen other groups, from activists to athletics. She is a Nosferatu—a
hideous and terrifying breed of undead with the powers of Obfuscate
(Invisibility) and Potence (Supernatural Strength). Her clan gives her access
to Animalism (animal control), but she has no natural gift with such beasts,
and will have to learn it later.
All character clans were determined at random, so it was
just odd luck that the art major ended up being part of a clan known for their
In the module, the players are locked up in a basement with
three other characters, whom they also know at least peripherally. For the
example characters, “Vince” was one of the character’s husband. I kept the names
but used the U.N.E. for fresh details. They’re equal members of the
Mavis—generally stuck being the stage manager with few roles
of her own, Mavis is a reasonable and friendly English major. She is Maya’s
best friend, and the two have frequent and passionate discussions about
eurocentrism and implicit bias in academia.
Suzanne—Suzanne is going to be a star, everyone knows it. Or
at least, they all know that she told them. A theater major, she works with
Mystic to take on more challenging rolls and hone her craft, though really,
it’s because she’s just not good enough to get the lead on the main stage. She
really gets along well with Daron, and she loves to host a good party.
Vince—the burnout who is only technically a student. He
doesn’t have his own place, instead hopping from one dorm to the next. He’s a
vagabond, and a user, but he’s honest, and always someone his friends can rely on,
at least when he’s not too high. When he’s sober, he’s actually the best actor
they have, though the influence of Daron and Suzanne aren’t doing him any
Scene One – The attacks
CF n/a. Prelude
The players are approached by the vampire scientist Prestor,
seeking subjects for his experiments. He believes he might have found a cure
for vampirism, but dares not reveal this to others of his kind without proof.
As such, he is grabbing a collection of guinea pigs—his plan is to artificially
turn them, and then use the serum to return them to their humanity. If all goes
well, they’ll be back to their lives after the weekend, no worse for the wear.
He has no desire to harm them, instead relying on his Dominate power to bring
them to heel. He needs to roll his Wits
+ Subterfuge (8) versus their Willpower. They roll their Willpower versus
difficulty of 8 to resist.
Daron (Willpower 5) 5 vs 2
Maya (Willpower 6) 3 vs 4
Trent (Willpower 5) 6 vs 1
Maya alone is able to put up a fight against the vampire’s
powers, and she remembers in vivid detail the circumstances of the attack. She
still eventually succumbs to his power, though.
Scene Two—Fiery Awakening
CF 6. No event.
Prestor’s plans didn’t work out. Others of his kind heard of
the danger he represented, and in fear lashed out. They sent their best to eliminate this threat, leaving his broken and
mangled body staked to his parlor, and burned his home to the ground, unaware of or unconcerned about the mortals he had captured. Fortunately for them, all were locked
in his basement, and so the flames are not yet an immediate threat. All of them
awaken in the dark and forbidding basement. With Prestors death, Mavis, Suzanne
and Vince regain their mortality, but Daron, Maya and Trent are not so
fortunate. The PC’s awaken last, wracked by pain and hunger. The others are
scared, but in far more possession of their facilities. How does each character
This is where I use the Lone Crusaders method. I roll a “Mythic
Event” for each character to see what they initially plan to do, of course
interpreting each result based on what I know of the character and their
current situation.
Increase Pain
Return News
Usurp War
Overthrow Success
Adversity Spiritual
Triumph of Jealousy
Daron is bent over, going through the worst withdrawals he
has ever experienced, groaning and moaning in pain, utterly useless. Trent gets
his wits about him, and asks the others what is happening, what is going on,
where the hell ARE we? Maya declares that there’s no time for that bullshit, we
need to get the fuck out of here! Mavis goes to tend to Daron, hoping to help
him, unsure of what else to do. Suzanne is lost, praying with the passion of
the newly converted, fearful that they’re in some serial killer’s lair. Vince
is too busy explaining how they’ve been captured by the government, man, just
like he was always saying, and lights up a joint.
Most don't accomplish much. Vince wastes his time in pontificating, Suzanne is praying, Trent
is trying to figure shit out. No roll for Trent to "gather information", as everyone is too distracted or
full of useless opinions. Maya takes the initiative, and heads to the door, looking
for an escape.
Trent has the Discipline of Auspex (Heightened Senses), and
none of the characters are in control of their abilities. Vince’s Zippo lighter
freaks out Trent, both for the blinding light it emits and the fire which, in
some small way terrifies the bestial part of him. He \orders Vince to put
it out. Cha + Leadership roll—failure. No one, especially not Vince, cares what Trent says. Maya,
ignoring the yelling behind her, reaches out to the handle, only to burn her
hand badly on the door, and screams in pain and an unearthly rage.
Daron is losing it, and Mavis so close, and so warm and
inviting. Each PC needs to make a Frenzy roll. Vampire is a game of playing
the monster, and that means sometimes the characters react in horrible and
terrifying manners. As these PC’s have no idea what they are, and are near
starving, they are singularly unprepared for the now alien emotions rolling
inside them.
Trent, for Vince’s generally assholery towards him. He is angry and humiliated, Self-Control diff 5.
Failure. He will attack Vince.
Daron, for Mavis’ availability and his own desperate hunger.
Conscience diff 5. Failure. He will feed on her.
Maya, for the pain and frustration. Courage diff 7. 3
Success. She, alone of the PC’s, can
choose her own path.
Maya calms down for a second, forcing herself to breath and
think. Her moment of reflection is broken by screams of rage, as Trent begins
to yell and scream at Vince to put out the damn light. She hurries down to see
Trent leaping on Vince and pounding him into the ground, as Suzanne’s insane
prayers become louder and more desperate. (neither Trent nor Vince is much of a
fighter, and so I rule that Trent’s frenzy and Celerity more than make up for
the lack of combat training).
Does Maya intervene, though? The sudden shocking violence
would give anyone pause, and so I make her roll Willpower to see if she can
recover in time to do something. 4 success, she does. She rushes in and pulls
Trent off, gazing at horror at his distended teeth and inhuman appearance. She
turns to Suzanne and orders her to take care of Vince, but seeing Vince
bleeding awakens an alien hunger inside her as well. Maya forces herself to
resist her primal desire. Suzanne is useless, and Trent is still desperate to get
to Vince. Trent and Maya struggle, with Maya easily holding him back.
Daron comes to, at least to an extent, and looks at the corpse of what once was
Mavis, unaware and seemingly unconcerned about the others. Suzanne continues to
freak out, as does Trent. How does Vince respond? I roll another event, and get
Break a Burden. Now, what does this mean? I decide that, for Vince, Trent is
the burden, and he intends to break him.
Vince shouts at Trent, “What the fuck was that, you fucking
asshole? What the hell is the matter with you? No one likes you, you fucking
dick, and you don’t get to push people around. You’re only here because Mavis
felt fucking SORRY for you!” With that, he walks up to Trent and flicks the
lighter in his eyes. “Asshole!”
Trent leaps back in pain and rage, but Vince, for the first time, SEES Maya, and the horrible changes already overtaking her. Staring at her, he stammers “What…what the fuck happened to you? What did they DO to you?” How does Maya respond? Harm/Food. The blood falling in rivulets down his face is too much for even the put together Maya. “I think” she says “that they did THIS” and she grabs the helpless burnout. Trent (still in the grip of Frenzy) leaps in as well, and the two drain the helpless mortal.
Everyone has killed, and everyone needs to deal with
that. In Vampire, they need to roll Conscience to see how they respond to the horrible acts they've committed. Everyone but Trent succeeds. Which means Maya and Daron are horrified by
their actions, and guilt and shock threaten to overwhelm them. Trent loses a point of
humanity, and shrugs off his actions. After all, it wasn’t HIS fault. “Fuck
you, you dumb asshole” he shouts at Vince’s corpse. “Should’ve just listened to
me.” Daron and Maya are aware of their surroundings.
Trent stands up, his eyes falling on the babbling Suzanne.
“Would you, for the love of god, SHUT! THE! FUCK! UP!” Does she? Mythic roll,
50/50 chance--NO. She panics and keeps praying, more intensely than before. “SHUT
UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” He cries fangs bared. I decide he is unconsciously
trying to use Presence to impose his will on the mortal. He needs to roll Charisma
+ Intimidate (diff 5), and fails, his rage only sending her into more of a
panic. What do Maya and Daron do? Waste Masses and Increase Military
respectively. Maya sighs “I can’t think, and she does need to shut up,” and prepares to do what needs to be done.
“Wait,” says Daron, taking charge for the first time. He walks
over to her calmly and with focus. “Suzanne. Suzanne look at me. You need to
calm down, everything is going to be ok, but you need to be quiet.” He is the groups natural leader, and he is unconscionably
using Dominate. He scores 1 success. She quiets down, for now, but is still
locked in terror.
The three look at each other, really look for the first
time. “Ok” says Daron. “What do we do now?”
Trent looks at Maya, and with his heightened senses he can make out just enough, feeling his skin crawl at her unnatural
visage. Maya says “We need to find a way
out. There’s…a fire or something upstairs, and the we can’t see shit.” She
looks at Trent, concerned. “We’ll need light.” Trent doesn’t respond,
transfixed by her hideousness. “Trent? Are you going to freak out?”
“No,” he says. “It’s just that…Maya, I’m not sure it’s a
good idea.”
“It’ll be fine Trent,” she says, hoping to placate him. “Here, you
hold the lighter. You be our guiding light, ok?”
Carefully, Trent flicks the lighter, and they look over the
room. The dark, barren basement, the bodies of their friends, the shaken
Suzanne in the corner, too terrified to even look at them. Trent carefully
avoids looking at Maya, but Daron isn’t prepared for what he sees.
“Maya…” he begins carefully.
“What? What’s wrong?”
Trent interjects, “I think we’re all the worse for wear, but
we need to focus on getting out, right Daron?”
Charisma + Leadership for Trent 1 success.
“Oh, um…yeah, right. We can worry about...” Daron stumbles
over his words, but quickly recovers.
“We can worry about everything else
“Right” says Maya. “Ok, the door is a no go. Is there ANY
other way out of here?”
“Doesn’t look like it,” says Trent.
“Well, we’d better hope so. If the fire doesn’t kill us, the
lack of oxygen WILL.”
Trent snaps his head towards her, harshly, realizing suddenly that he hasn’t actually breathed
the entire time, and pretty sure that she hasn’t, either. Has Daron? Probably
not, he decides. “Right,” he says, keeping his thoughts to himself. “Maybe
there’s some tools or something we can use.”
The coterie hunts around, each thankful for any excuse to
distract them from what just happened, and what they had done to those they
called friends. An unspoken decision was reached, to avoid and ignore
everything they could, to focus on survival and escape above all else.
Each needs to make a Perception + Investigate roll to find
the other way out, difficulty of 6, three successes required. Daron gets 2, Maya
fails, and Trent gets 4.
Maya is busy looking (unsuccessfully) for tools, but Trent
notices something…odd about a piece of the wall. “This is…hey guys, come over
here. Check this out.” Maya notices nothing unusual, but Daron says “Is that?”
“What are you two talking about?” Maya demands.
“Put your hand here” Trent says, deliberately avoiding
touching her. “Feel that? Feel that it’s a bit cooler than anywhere else? Look,
I’ve done my share of construction on some of the old houses around here…I
think this wall is hollow. In fact (Intelligence + Repair, diff 7, 3 Success), I
think this might lead out to a storm drain.”
“What, like a sewer?” asks Daron.
“No, no, a run off for the snow melt and the like. It’s been
pretty dry lately, so it should be safe. We need to break this fucker down.”
With no tools, Trent and Daron decide to ram against it. Combined, they get 3
success. “That’s a tough wall,” says Daron.
Disgusted, Maya orders the boys away and takes a crack at
it. She gets two success, and two for her Potence. She bashes the wall down,
leading to the storm drain. Trent and Daron share a look, mutually unsurprised
at her strength. “What, you think a little girl couldn’t handle it?” says Maya,
and heads off. The other two say nothing.
Do they remember Suzanne? I had almost forgotten about her, and
they are in an extreme emotional situation. Still, she has some meaning, either
as friend, meal, or a threat due to her witnessing their actions. I decide the
odds are Very Unlikely, but get a result of EXCEPTIONAL NO. Distracted by their
own concerns, the three vampires leave the terrified mortal behind.
They escape out the storm drain, travelling far down until
they reach an access point and climb back to the surface. In the
distance, the see the house still engulfed in flames with emergency services
all around. Maya asks “Should we go to the police?” Without
hesitating, both Daron and Trent say “No!”
Maya looks at them, her calm demeanor of the night just
starting to crack. “But, we didn’t….we were victims. We may need a lawyer,
Daron looks at her and says “Look, Maya, no one can know
what happened ok? Or that we were there.
They wouldn’t understand. Fuck, I don’t understand, and I fucking WAS there.
What we did, what happened to us…why we were there and what the hell is going
on? We just… can’t right now. We just,” he looks around, as the crown of
pedestrians and curious onlookers grows. “We just need to get the hell out of
here. Like, yesterday.” They leave the area, and with their escape, the first
chapter ends.
Does Suzanne survive? The module is pretty unequivocal that
the mortals die if left in the basement, but they did open the storm drain,
which changes things. I give the odds at “very unlikely.” And the result is YES,
she survives. But, I decide, she’s traumatized, in shock, and suffering from
asphyxiation. It will be awhile before she can provide the police with any
information, and what are the odds anyone would even believe her story?
Part 2 begins here
Part 2 begins here
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