A few months ago, I found a project on Kickstarter for a solo edition-neutral D&D module. Well, it failed to fund, and I only discovered it towards the end of the campaign. Fortunately, the Lair of the Black Dragon is back, and I'm already backing it. Hopefully it will fund this time!
Now, I know nothing about the creator, Anthony Dunkin-Moscato or his company, Infinitum3D. I can't find a website for either, and this is one of those dreaded "Ist created, 0 backed" situations. Ok, 2nd created, since this is a relaunch. He claims the work is already done, so there's no real risk of it failing. Though, this raises the question of why Kickstarter? He could just release it on drivethrurpg if the project is complete. Heck, if I was him, I'd release part 1 for free (the $2 level pledge) so people can sample it, put the rest up on drivethru/rpgnow, and if you get enough positive feedback, launch a KS for your NEXT project, to fund some of the development and art and what not.
Also, the money thing is odd. The price is low--$1 for the basic intro, $2 for the basic plus new monsters, $3 for the whole thing. Higher tiers ($10 and $25, respectively), are the "prestige" levels where you get to add NPC's and the like to the module. Now, his goal is $1,000. Which means he needs about 334 people to back it at the "whole thing" level. That seems like a lot to me. I'd increase those tiers myself, and plan on getting fewer but more passionate backers.
But, what do I know? He's the one who wrote it, and it's his baby, and he can do with it what he likes.
Anyway, I'm in $3 tier, and would really love to try this module out! If you're interested in Solo roleplaying, give it a look-see. It's less than a bag of chips, and I'd love to see more "professional" support for a really fun niche of the hobby.
Here's the KS page: The Lair of the Black Dragon
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