My recent Dark Ages: Vampire game ended recently, thanks to
an ambush that went horribly wrong and ended in the entire party getting
killed. I’m still rather bummed about that, but I've instead decided to move on
with a new game. I've decided to try my hand at one of the more elusive games I've
ever done, which is a Super-Villains game.
I've been in a few games that have tried to make this genre
work, but it’s never really worked out. But, I think I have an idea. The basic
setup is that the world is a fairly classic 4-color superhero world—you have
heroic capes flying around beating up super-powered psychos, bank robbers, and
the occasional alien invasion. Most villains are of the classic mutant extremist/bank
robber/crime lord type. The PC’s, however, are different. They’re mercenaries, Villains
for Hire, who travel the world looking for the best jobs, and getting paid well
for their dangerous and highly specialized work. The game so far is called “Hero
Hunters” but taking out heroes is only one part of what they’ll be up to. They’ll be taking out other Villains,
particularly those who crossed the wrong person or group or just those who are
so dangerous and outside the line that even the mundane government is happy to
pay a bounty for them. They’ll also be working for corporations and nations to
take out terrorists (or freedom fighters, the PC’s are, after all, the bad
guys), rebels, pirates, and other assorted criminals. If you’re a powerful
figure with money to burn and someone you want taken out or something “retrieved”—then
you've got a friend. So long as the check clears.
Mechanically, I’m going to try using Heroes Unlimited, 2nd
Edition. I've had this game for a while, and never really played with it much.
I ran a brief Palladium Fantasy game a while ago, and it was pretty fun. Also,
my regular group of players has recently been getting into some ruts with their
characters, and I think some nice randomness could help liven up the game.
Setting wise, I’ll be placing it in our world, probably sometime
in the mid-90’s. First, this lines up with the costs and tech levels presented
in the main book, so I won’t need to explain how a voice-activated
mini-computer the size of a book costs like a million dollars in the rules,
only to have the players look at their phones and go “um…dude?” Secondly, it
lets me play up the alternate world element and have a bit of fun and fantasy
in the setting.
Finally, this game will have a “win” condition. The players
are merc’s who are in it for the cash, which means that the game is over when
they retire and can live like rock stars for the rest of their lives. To reflect this, I’m going to steal from
Shadowrun and its lively lifestyle rules. Each tier of lifestyle has a cost and
each tier is correspondingly “better” (in a capitalistic/consumer definition) and
more luxurious that the previous. Players can permanently “buy” a lifestyle by
paying 100 times its monthly cost.
Lifestyle Monthly costs
Street $100.00
Squatter $500.00
Low $2,000
Middle $5,000
High $10,000
Luxury $100,000
Ultra-Luxury $1,000,000
The goal of the game, therefore, is for the players to earn
at least 10 million dollars, or 1 billion if they have any real ambition.
And, yes, I’m aware the numbers aren’t terribly real-world realistic,
but it works in Shadowrun, so it should work for me.
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