I’m finally ready to move on to the final “real” section of the World Builder’s Guidebook —History. There’s a bit after this, but it’s more about general advice and picking which optional or house rules to use and the like. After this section, I’ll be more or less done. As I went through each step of the world creation process, I also developed bits and pieces of the history of the world. For example, the rise and fall of the Elven Empire, the destruction of the Dwarves, the coming of the barbarian humans, and the like. But this is the point where we start giving things dates and figuring out what else has happened. The WBG divides history up into three sections—Ancient, Middle, and Recent. Ancient are the events that took place millennia ago, so far in the past that no one can truly verify what did or did not actually happen. Only the greatest and most significant of events are still remembered even by the learned sages of the modern day....