Now that I've got a rough idea on my setting, Cresthaven , I need to get some more details in place for it. First, I've been thinking a bit more about Mardok's Rangers. The "mercenary takeover" idea is a decent one, but their sheer size and power is a bit alarming. What if they're not a merc force, but instead the military forces of a more established power. Perhaps their a forward force of Free Quebec, or the dreaded Splugorth Slavers (servants of the Lovecraftian entity that rules Atlantis), or a band from the Federation of Magic or something else? Are they a Mercenary Band? (50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but... But, they have a secret of some sort, something else going on with them. I make a note of this, but decide not to explore it further--something to discover in game. Now, let's look at the questions I had from last time: * Who was the Protector? * What are the "dangers" around Cresthaven, and why is Mardok so unconcerned about them? *...