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Showing posts from March, 2016

Solo Superhero -- Birth of the Inquisitor!

I had mentioned previously how much fun I find the Palladium system, and especially Heroes Unlimited. Especially when it comes to character creation. I rather glossed over this part when creating Yeoman (alas poor Yeoman!), but I figured my follow up character deserved a more thorough walk-through. Let's get weird.  For this character, I'm going to expand my range to include not only Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition , but also Powers Unlimited 1 and Powers Unlimited 2 (I, sadly, don't have 3 yet). None of these are available as PDF's, unfortunately. Palladium, it seems, hasn't yet full embraced that method of distribution, so you need to get these either at your FLGS or online--might as well go to the Palladium Store and get them directly. So, character creation in HU2 is broken down into 6 Steps--Attributes, Hit Points & S.D.C., Super Abilities, Skills & Education, Alignment, and Rounding out One's Character. Let's go through it Step-by-Step....

Yeoman, Issue 1 -- Tragic Hero

I was able to get a bit of playing in. Things did not go well for Yeoman. Unsure where to begin,  I rolled up a random crime from the Heroes Unlimited 2 G.M.'s Guide .  I got a group a group of two-bit thugs committing forgery in order to commit a crime, with a complication that the heroes couldn't get involved--like, it would expose their identity. It began on a typical night on campus. Scott and his room mate Chris were heading off to one of the computer labs to get some Quake time in (remember, this is mid-90's). Entering the lab, they stumbled upon a group of older students making fake ID's. The older students first tell them to leave, then intimidate them out (they have guns). Scott and Chris head to another lab, where Chris is able to hack into the system and see that they're making ID's that match various school administrators. Curiosity peaked, Scott decides to follow them and see what they're up to. He heads to the exit and hides, but a com...

Solo Heroes Unlimited--Secret Origin!

I've finally managed to get the base line work done for my solo run of Heroes Unlimited. The initial world building stuff really helped to focus my energies, and I can't wait to take this game for a spin. First thing I had to do was put together my "GM kit." Even with games I know pretty well, I find it's helpful to have some cheat sheets. Back when I did a solo run of Vampire (a game I'm pretty certain I could run without any of the books), I still ran into the need for enemy stats and the like.  Oddly, this isn't as a big of a deal for me when I run a standard game. In a group situation, I feel much more comfortable fudging the dice rolls or making things up on the fly. In a Solo game, I feel a much more obligated to be "by the book." Not that it really matters, but I want to keep that dangerous feeling going. So, my GM kit for HU is pretty basic. One of the Palladium forum user by the name of Glistam hooked me up with an excellent NPC shee...

Solo Superhero Roleplaying

My brief forays into solo role-playing have fallen dormant. Work, family, "normal" games, and just life in general has a way of making that happen. However, I do really enjoy it and am looking forward to busting out the Mythic GM Emulator again! I still really like what Mythic did with their Emulator. There are plenty of other systems out there, and I was looking into them for my next game. Since the release of the second season of Daredevil, I've been wanting to bust out a superhero game.  I ran something like one a few years ago, but my actual experience playing supers is pretty limited. I poked around at various systems, some standard, others solo focused. None of them hit exactly what I wanted, so I'm going with my old standby, Palladium's Heroes Unlimited . There's a lot of negativity about Palladium's system, but it hits the sweet spot for me. Or, maybe it's just because I've owned the books for so long and never really got to play ...