The Vampire 30 Day Challenge is a motivational tool to encourage people to, over the course of 30 Days, blog or post something they find interesting about the classic White Wolf game Vampire: The Masquerade . These posts can range from a few sentences to rambling, multi-page mini-essays. It doesn't really matter how much one writes, so long as you find the topic fun, and it encourages you write and post fairly regularly. It is, in many ways, similar to NaNoWriMo , in that it is an excuse to think and write about cool things. The Challenge itself is a derivative of the " D&D 30 Day Challenge ." The topics listed in that Challenge are of course highly focused on Dungeons & Dragons subjects, specifically the Third Edition of that game. As such, I have gone through and rewritten the "rules" or list of topics. As I progressed through the Challenge, certain topics seemed like an ill-fit, either for Vampire as a whole (for example, an entire week on ...