Welcome back to the play through of Thousand Year Old Vampire. When we left off,
the vampire Lucius was living in relative peace with his lover Pelias in the
bustling city of Constantinople, sometime in the 4th Century. Our
last event was number 23, and Lucius had become something of a theologian.
Let’s see what befalls him now.
I again roll a d10 and a d6 for 10 and a 5. Subtracting
the results of the later from the former, I get a 5,
which leads us to event 28.
A long dead Mortal Character returns. What
do they want from you? How have they survived death? You only recognize them if
you still have a related Memory. Check a Skill.
There are two dead Mortals in my
past, Manius and Marcus. I roll to see which one has returned and get a 2, for Marcus.
One night, a stranger grabs me on
the street, a large, brutish man. He claims to know me, and desperately asks
for my aid. He speaks of Rome, the once glorious City, and long nights we spent
together there. I do not know him, and I hide myself as a simple Christian
scholar. I quote the Bible, and chastise him for his ramblings.
I check Theology and wave the
madman off. I used my Theology skill
to convince him that I’m not who he thinks I am. I also restore him on the character
sheet, since he’s back in my life. Somehow.
War rages. You withdraw into a hidden
retreat, waiting for it to pass. Lose a Resource.
Dang it, there goes my Diary and Lucius’ last ties to his
mortal life.
The barbarians come, and civil
war again plagues the Empire. Pelias ages, and while I have the power to save
him the curse that befalls all men, we both refuse to commit this final,
greatest sin. Instead, we retreat the mountains, living as hermits to wait out
his final days, together. I leave my quill and papers back in the City. I no
longer need them, not with Pelias at my side.
Next, I roll an 8 and a 1, for a total
of 7. These leads me to event 34.
In a purposeless rage you destroy something
important to you. Lose either a Memory or a Resource.
I strive to remain hopeful, but
with Pelias’ death all light is gone from my world. There is no solace in
death, no hope. I was a fool to let him pass, to leave him to the fate of God.
For what just God would allow such man as Pelias to wither and die in such pain
and torment? I burn our hovel to the ground, and realize I can no longer
remember him in his youth. Only his aged and pained face. I take up my quill
once again, and record our first meetings. I will not lose him again.
Rather than losing his Memory, I have Lucius create a new Diary. I also decide that now is a good
time for a new Memory.
War comes to the Empire, and chaos reigns. A stranger grabs at me, speaking of Rome and her past glories. Pelias and I flee to a hidden place, far from the violence and rage than defines this new era. I stay with him until his death, and in his final days we reminisce about how we first met.
War comes to the Empire, and chaos reigns. A stranger grabs at me, speaking of Rome and her past glories. Pelias and I flee to a hidden place, far from the violence and rage than defines this new era. I stay with him until his death, and in his final days we reminisce about how we first met.
Pelias didn’t need to die here,
but it felt like this era was coming to a close. Lucius is alone again, and
facing an uncertain future.
For the next prompt, I roll and
get 4 and 5, for
a result of -1. This leads me to scene 33.
You know where the old things are. Create a
Resource and make an enemy Character into a friend.
I decide a time skip is in order,
and Lucius moves forward to the 6th Century, and he returns home to
I wander alone and unmoored for unknown
years. Eventually, my travels bring me to the great City, my true home. Rome!
She lies in a desperate state, ruled by aliens and barbarians, all chattering
about the damned God of the Christians. Though not all. A few cults still
remain, hidden. In the darkness I find them. And I find her, Semnai, my
creator. Or so she tells me. For truly, I have little recollection of those
nights. We talk, honestly, as only two immortals can. I cannot find it in
myself to forgive her, but I also cannot remember to hate her.
With Semnai’s help, Lucius also
gains the Resource “blood cult,” hidden away in the ruins of the once Capital of the World.
Next, I roll and get 9 and 5, for a result
of 4. This leads me to scene 37.
Things fall to dust. Lose a Resource for
which you have no corresponding Memory. Do not create a new Experience for this
Well, so long “blood cult.” Eh,
that was always more Semnai’s thing than Lucius’.
Rolling again, I get 7 and 3, for a result
of 4. This leads me to scene 41.
Your body is distant from human concerns.
Lose a Memory slot.
Normally, you can carry only 5 Memories at any time. I currently only
have 3, so I don’t risk losing one. I do, however, make a note on the character
sheet to limit myself to no more than 4 Memories.
It’s also as good a time as any for a new Memory.
The only one worth having is my return to Rome and meeting of Semnai, so that Encounter becomes a new Memory.
Moving on, I roll and get 10 and 1, for a result
of 9. The leads me to scene 50.
A trap intended for mortal criminals
captures you. What type of lawbreaker are you confused with? Do you escape?
What criminal behavior can you now apply to feeding? Convert a pleasant Memory
into a new Skill which perverts the humanity of that Memory.
The most pleasant Memory Lucius has is of his time as a
scholar with Pelias. So, I will go off of that.
I make my way in the world, disguised as an itinerant friar, but my
teachings of Christ are no longer palatable to the new Catholic masters. They
think me a simple heretic, but are not prepared for my violent power. I escape,
but learn much of the new teachings. They claim to speak the Truth, but I know
how malleable their “truth” is. I set out to corrupt those who condemn the
I also edit the memory of me and
Pelias, crossing out “Perhaps there is no
peace for me, but Pelias does help me find solace in the Christian Bible”
and adding in “I learn much from Pelias,
of the hypocrisy and lies of the Christians, and am ready to use it against
them.” I also gain the Heretical
Teaching as a Skill.
I roll again and get a 4 and a 5, for a -1. This sends me to 49.
What simple, practical skill proves invaluable
in your strange existence? How did you learn it? Create a Skill.
The most obvious, so far, would be
Wilderness Lore, as Lucius has spent
many years wandering the wild places of the world.
Rolling again, I get 8 and 6, for a 2. This sends me to 51.
You are of the moment, a hunting creature.
Lose one sentence from a Memory somewhere in the middle of your Memory list.
I decide the most reasonable to
forget is his brief, if alarming encounter with Marcus in Constantinople, so I delete the sentence “A stranger grabs at
me, speaking of Rome and her past glories” from my list.
Now seems appropriate to add a new
I move easily between the
wilderness and the cities. In public, I chastise the people for their sins and
their failures, for there are oh so many, and the Christian God is cruel and
full of fury. At night I lie to the people’s masters, offer them dark and
secret hopes for salvation, of which they are all eager to partake. I am a
predator of not just blood, but of souls as well.
This, however, would be a 5th
Memory, and my alienation no longer
allows me to retain that many. So, I transfer my recollection of Pelias’ and my
time in Constantinople to the Diary
to make room for the new Memory.
Here’s the current character
sheet. See you all next time!
Tools and Mechanics
Thousand Year Old Vampire by Tim Hutchings.
Kickstarter for this game is currently live, and concludes November
15th, 2018.
NPC Emulator by Zach Best
Everyone, Everywhere List by Erik James Olsrud
hands down best comment section that i've personally seen